Karuna Digital

Our Growth Principles

Karuna knows that you are in business to grow. And we know how to grow your business online. Quickly. Effectively. Economically.

A Proven Methodology

1. Acquisition

Karuna is expert at attracting the highest qualified traffic at the lowest cost. Karuna acquires qualified traffic (traffic that is interested in your brand and products) for your website by finding them from many sources, and a variety of methods – organic traffic, paid traffic, social media linking, internal and third-party blog traffic, affiliate traffic, email capture and list build, video sharing websites and more.

2. Conversion

Once you have increased traffic to your website, Karuna ensure that it converts at the optimum level. We employ over 70 "best practice" enhanced conversion techniques that each website should include. We also use our experience and industry knowledge to continually refine your user experience until we achieve the highest engagement and conversion level possible.

3. Retention

Once you have acquired a customer, Karuna works to retain them through ongoing, meaningful engagement via email, social media, and coordinated offline promotions. Your customers will be loyal if you continue to provide them meaningful content, quality products and special offers they cannot find elsewhere. Karuna takes care of all of that for you, helping you grow the lifetime value of each customer over time.

4. Monetization

Once you have retained a customer, Karuna works on additional ways to monetize them. We implement a number of options to provide real value to your customers while driving incremental revenue for your company.

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